Salam Speaks will be running two courses, which both start on August 18th, 2024. If you’d like to sign up a group for sessions, please reach out!
*Although fees are necessary to run these courses sustainably, they shouldn’t be a barrier to education. Please contact me if you have a demonstrated need, and would like your fees to be waived.
Three-Week Course: Debate Primer
Every Sunday
This course will have five hours of direct instruction, with a focus on cultivating foundational speaking skills and learning debate tactics.
Six-Week Course: Debate Primer + Advanced Public Speaking
Every Sunday
This includes twelve hours of direct instruction to focus on more advanced skills. At the end of the course, students can earn a speaking certification by giving a speech to activists in the Muslim community, including elected officials and leaders within prominent organizations such as CAIR.
Continuous Tutoring
$149 / Month
Join our courses directly on a continual basis. This will help you develop your debating skills, refine your speaking style, and dive into political nuance by staying continually engaged.